Our Courses

We offer Security Officers Training, License to Carry and Shooting Lessons. 

New Mexico Security Officer Training

Here at Range 1839, we offer New Mexico Security Officer training Levels 1-3. These are in person courses only mandated by the state of New Mexico for persons wanting to become New Mexico security officers. The course is 44 hours in total.

Texas Security Officer training

Here at Range1839, we offer Texas Security Officer Training for those seeking Non-Commissioned (Unarmed) or Commissioned (Armed) security officer training, certification, and recertification.

Texas License To Carry Course $65.00

The Texas License to Carry (LTC) curriculum is designed to provide individuals with the knowledge and skills necessary to responsibly carry a handgun.

The curriculum covers a range of topics, including firearms safety, non-violent dispute resolution, and Texas laws regarding the use of deadly force.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How long does the Texas LTC curriculum take to complete?

The length of the Texas LTC curriculum varies depending on the course provider, but most courses take between 4-6 hours to complete.

Yes, you can take Texas LTC training online.
Follow this link:  Visit Website

Shooting Lessons

Simulation Lessons $35 per session. (Each session is 2hrs)

Here at Range1839, we offer simulated firearms training. This allows students to train on their marksmanship and safety fundamentals at a very affordable approach. Our Laser Ammo, SIRT, and Laser Lyte, training devices allow you to practice without the use of live weapons and ammunition. In addition, they also allow for more flexibility in training. With rises in ammunition prices, this is a tool which we provide to you to train and be better.

Live Fire Lessons $50 per session. (Each session is 2hrs)

Here are Range1839, we offer tailor made firearms training for our students. We instruct students from all backgrounds from beginners to experts. We can provide coaching and instruction for Law Enforcement, Armed Security, Military, and Civilian marksmanship enthusiasts. Our staff can provide lessons on the use of shotguns, rifles, and pistols.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can students rent a gun to use during training?
Yes, the cost is $10 for a Glock 17, 9mm.

We only carry courtesy ammunition for our rental gun. It is $20 per box of 50 9mm rounds.