Texas Security Officer Training

Here at Range1839, we offer Texas Security Officer Training for those seeking Non-Commissioned (Unarmed) or Commissioned (Armed) security
officer training, certification, and recertification.

Texas Level 2 Security Officer Training $50

This comprehensive course is designed to fulfill the requirements for becoming a Level II security guard in the state of Texas, as mandated by the Texas Department of Public Safety’s Private Security Bureau (PSB).

The curriculum covers all necessary foundational knowledge and skills essential for entry-level positions in private security. Participants will learn the legal and ethical responsibilities of a security guard, including but not limited to, the laws concerning arrest, search and seizure, and the use of force.

The course emphasizes the importance of professionalism, communication, and the role of private security in the broader public safety context.

Texas Level 3 Security Officer Training $100

Proof of a Level 2 Non-Commission training class in order to process your
Level 3 Commission license is needed.

Texas Level 2&3 Security Officer Training $150

This curriculum offers both the level II & III curriculums together. The level
III curriculum consist of given instruction on: Handcuffing, Baton, Pepper
Spray, Weaponless Defense, Firearms (both handgun and shotgun
certification) shooting qualification all done at Range1839, and then the
state final exam- all given at our classroom.

Course Points

Course Includes

Texas Level 3 Security Officer Requalification: $65

This is for Currently Licensed Texas Level 3 Security Officers.